EDICOM Innovation Projects
EDICOM actively participates with the CEF in the development of projects to promote electronic invoicing in Europe.

Developed projects
Implementation of the European electronic invoice within the Public Health Area.
GOV2EU | EDICOM Innovation Projects
Supporting public entities to adopt EU Standard on electronic invoice for cross-border transactions.
Increase user awareness developing a communication plan to business, public authorities and other stakeholders in the health sector, based on a successful deployment of the solution during the project.
Agreement Nº: INEA/CEF/ICT/A2016/1333510
Action Nº: 2016-EU-IA-0096
Start date: 01/09/2017
Duration: 18 months
Grant: 1,010,306 EUR
Specific Objectives
Promote and accelerate the uptake of eInvoincing
Integrate tools in the beneficiaries' ERP systems (enterprise resource planning) that will use the EDICOM eInvoicing platform. This will promote and accelerate the use of eInvoicing mainly in the health sector in compliance with the requirements of the Directive 2014/55/EU (eInvoicing Directive).
eInvoicing Services
Project Dissemination
HOSP & INVOICE | EDICOM Innovation Projects
Public Hospitals from Belgium, Austria, Hungary and Italy prepared to the eInvoicing European Norm. Increase the uptake and use of the eInvoicing DSI by supporting public authorities in compliance with the Directive 2014/55/EU.
Agreement number: INEA/CEF/ICT/A2017/1560418
Action number: 2017-EU-IA-0146
Start date: 01/07/2018
Duration: 13 months
Specific Objectives
Enhance eInvoicing interoerability
Support the interoperability to ease the adoption of the e-Invoicing Regulation , in particular European eInvoicing standard (EN). The project will use the eInvoicing tools of the powerful and mature platforms of the EDI Providers of the consortium (EDICOM) to ease the adoption of the Directive 2014/55/EU (eInvoice Directive) by the thousands of clients from the public and private entities in the healthcare sector, including for those participating in HOSP&INVOICE consortium.
Increase user awareness and aoption of the eInvoicing Directive
Updating EDICOM communication plan to business, public authorities and other stakeholders in the healthcare sector, based on a successful deployment of the solution during the project to several hospitals (operating eInvoicing solutions of the consortium) from several European countries (Belgium, Austria, Hungary and Italy).
eInvoicing Services
Business Development to ensure the sustainability of the action: 36 Hospitals from different Member States will integrate eInvoicing tools in their ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), using resources already deployed to reduce cost and amplify the impact around Europe.
This objective includes to update the market analysis and business plan to ensure the sustainability of the project by using the hospitals of this project to engage new public authorities after the end of the project. As this project is an initiative promoted by one of the biggest European eInvoicing provider (EDICOM) with thousand of clients around Europe, also demonstrated by the transnationality of this consortium, HOSP&INVOICE has this plus for implementing a sustainable business model around all Europe.
GOVEIN19 | EDICOM Innovation Projects
Implementation of the European electronic invoice within the Public Health Area.
The CEF eInvoicing building block supports public administrations and private companies in complying with the eInvoicing Directive 2014/55/EU, in particular the new European eInvoicing standard (EN). .
Programme: CEF Telecom
Action Nº: 2019-EU-IA-0046
Schedule: January 2020 to June 2021
Total eligible Costs: 1,182,093€
EU Contribution: 886,569€
Specific Objectives
To facilitate the exchange of electronic invoices among European hospitals, Laboratories and other Health Care Providers.
To promote the European Standard (EN) on eInvoicing in Hungary, Belgium, Portugal and Poland.
To support cross-border interoperability of Health Care sector around Europe.
EDIHOSP | EDICOM Innovation Projects
European Hospitals adopting the eInvoicing Directive.
The uptake and use of the eInvoicing DSI by supporting public authorities in compliance with the Directive 2014/55/EU.
The solution includes the automatisation of compatibility of official models of electronic invoices from each Member State and also manages the complexity of semantic interoperability stated by the eInvoice Directive.
Agreement Nº: INEA/CEF/ICT/A2018/1761040
Action Nº: 2018-EU-IA-0078
Start date: 01/05/2019
Duration: 18 months
Specific Objectives
To facilitate the exchange of electronic invoices between European hospitals within the PEPPOL network.
To promote the European Standard (EN) on eInvoicing in the Portuguese and Hungarian health sector.
The solution

To solve the whole complexity related to intercommunication and data integration, the consortium is coordinated by EDICOM, as Certification Authority and qualified trust service provider (according to EU Regulation 910/2014), and will employ the EDICOM B2B Cloud Platform, used by more than 15.000 companies all over the world.
EDICOM will also implement a multi-syntax solution able to handle e-invoicing in multiple standards, according to the needs of each participant with their own ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems and the specifications detailed in the European regulation, in order to achieve semantically interoperable electronic documents in the EU scope.
The project is also based on the PEPPOL specifications considering that all participants will use a Peppol Access Point to communicate with others to exchange the electronic invoices. This will result in the upgrade of the eInvoicing tools of the EDICOM B2B Cloud Platform for complying with the eInvoicing Directive in the healthcare sector.
Some of the participants in the projects

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